Arpin Archives Project

What is the Arpin Archives Project?

The goal of the Arpin Archives Project is to create a digital archive of Arpin's history, including surrounding communities such as Sherry, Richfield, Hansen, etc. We are asking for photos and documents and oral histories from residents of Arpin etc. that will, once processed and digitized, be available for non-commercial use to researchers, interested parties, authors, and histories. Digitized materials will be uploaded to Recollection Wisconsin and the Digital Public Library of America for broader circulation. Use of materials will be to preserve Arpin's history and for education and research purposes.

What to expect when you indicate interest in participating in this project:

  1. When you contact us, we will ask you to bring the materials you wish to contribute to the library, along with a short write up about the history or background of the materials if available.
  2. We will ask you to sign a rights statement that transfers the rights to the digitally scanned images of your photos and/or documents to the Arpin Library.
  3. We will scan and create digital versions of your photos and/or documents. Residents will retain the original, physical documents and all rights to those documents themselves. If the residents do not want the documents back, the library will include them in the archives as space permits.
  4. That's it! There's nothing more that you need to do, the rest is on us.

We are asking residents for help with this project and encourage people to bring their boxes of old photographs and various documents to the library instead of throwing them away.


Volunteers will be needed to help with interviews, scanning, logging, and data entry. Training will be provided and a guide to the digitalization project will be available for reference. Contact the library if you wish to volunteer.

Interested in participating in this project?

Have items that you would like to be included in this project and uploaded to Recollection Wisconsin/DPLA? Send us an email with your name, contact information, and what you would like to be included. Please be sure to let us know any additional comments or information that will be helpful during the process.

Published Collections

Visit Recollection Wisconsin or Digital Public Library of America to view published collections. Recollection Wisconsin is a state-wide collection of photographs and documents. These links specifically provide direct access to the Lester Public Library of Arpin's digitized historical collections. Use filters to narrow your search. You can also view other collections by other libraries!